Share – Create – Inform
Collaborative Hubs are central on-line repositories of information allowing multiple users and organisations to share and disseminate their information within the organisation and to wider groups. These systems provide an accessible, easy to manage central point for information. Burr IST have developed these applications for commercial and community partners. For example…

Learning in Salford
The Community Learning Partnership is a group of learning providers who have collaborated to improve and develop learning provision in Salford. Along with Salford City Council and Salford City College, the Community Learning Partnership commissioned Burr IST to provide a central, collaborative hub where Salford residents can find learning opportunities and courses in the area. Users can use the site to search for courses and register interest according to their easily selected preferences.
Learning In Salford allows each organisation to have an account through which they can manage their information on the site. If they already have their own lists of courses, information can be automatically populated from existing sources. Salford City Council are so positive about the resource that they made it a mandatory requirement that community learning providers in Salford use it to publicise their courses.

Constructing Excellence
Burr IST produced a Demonstrations Projects site for Constructing Excellence.
Constructing Excellence is the agency charged with driving the change agenda in construction through KPI, Performance measurement and demonstration.
The site allowed CE’s construction industry partners to input information about live construction projects illustrating examples of best practice and innovation. These demonstration projects could then be used to build a business evidence base for change and best practice and encourage innovative ways of working.
Since the website was set up more than 525 projects with a combined value of over £14bn have been logged.